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Kuwait Resume Issuing Family, Tourist, and Business Visit Visas

Kuwait has announced the reopening of entry visas for family, tourist and business visits to stimulate economic growth and tourism in the country. The Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, and Acting Minister of the Interior, Sheikh Fahd Al-Yousef, ordered the reopening.

The initiatives seek to revitalize the nation's commercial, economic, and tourism sectors by tackling social issues and encouraging growth and development. There can be repercussions for noncompliance.

Kuwaiti visas are available to parents, spouses, children, and fathers, provided they meet certain income requirements. These include round-trip tickets on national carriers, avoiding residence conversion, adhering to visitation time requirements, and only obtaining medical care at private hospitals. The minimum salary for an immediate family is 400 Kuwaiti dinars, while for the extended family, it is 800. Business visit visas can be applied for by those with relevant qualifications from Kuwaiti companies or institutes. Tourist visit visas can be issued directly upon arrival or electronically via the Ministry of Interior website. Gulf Cooperation Council nationals can apply for tourist visas based on professions listed in Ministerial Resolution No. (2008/2030) and its revisions. Visitors and sponsors may be included in the General Directorate of Residency Affairs Investigation if they do not adhere to the specified stay period.

The reintroduction of visas is expected to significantly increase Kuwait's tourism economy by drawing tourists, business travellers, and family vacationers. This will bring in money for the airline, hotel, and retail industries. Additionally, the local economy will gain from hiring qualified workers on business visas. Details regarding visa requirements and visa application process can be found on the Ministry of Interior website.

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