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Italy Increases Work Permit Quota for Foreigners

The Italian government has announced its decision to increase the work permit cap for startup visa applicants from third countries and unskilled foreign workers to 82,705 positions for 2023.

To address the labor shortage, the Italian government has increased the number of foreign nationals who can obtain work permits by 7,000. Foreigners with highly skilled work permits are exempt from the quota offered to applicants in particular markets. 31,205 of the positions are intended for specific nationalities in fields including tourism, telecommunications, and construction, while 44,000 are intended for seasonal work.

A further 7,000 positions are reserved for foreigners with residency permits in Italy or another EU member state, 500 for independent contractors, and 500 for CEOs, auditors, chairmen, CEOs, and members of boards of directors.

"The quotas fixed for entries for non-seasonal and self-employment reasons are 38,705 units, of which the vast majority (30,105 units) are reserved for entries for non-seasonal subordinate work in the road haulage, construction, and tourism-hotel sectors, as well as, new this year, from the mechanics, telecommunications, food, and shipbuilding industries," the Italian government stated.

Beginning from March 27, 2023, applicants seeking work permits under the 2023 quota should submit their requests. These requests will be evaluated in 30 days and automatically forwarded to Italian diplomatic missions.

According to a report gathered by the association Coldiretti titled "Immigrants and Agriculture in the Tuscany Region," there are around 24,000 migrant workers employed in the agricultural sector in Tuscany.

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