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Germany Introduces New Rules That Wil Hasten Deportation Of Illegal Migrants

A new deportation legislation to send unsuccessful asylum seekers back to their home countries has been introduced in Germany. This was disclosed by Germany's Interior Minister, Nancy Faeser.

The new law which is going to be enforced includes over 40 measures for expulsions and returns, including extending pre-deportation detention from ten to 28 days. This is to resolve immigration concerns and assure the successful execution of deportations, which are sometimes hampered by hurdles in the last phases.

“Anyone who has no right to stay must leave Germany again. We must be able to enforce this principle; otherwise, we will harm our community,” Faeser stated.

The Minister praised Germany's "remarkable" change from a country that sparked two world wars to one where people seek refuge.

“For us to be this country, we also need clear rules and laws. This means that those who do not have the right to remain must leave the country again — quickly and reliably. This is a prerequisite for migration to be accepted in society,” he said.

The country has tightened immigration and asylum regulations, with plans to strike deals with countries of origin and transit to lessen deportations in exchange for legal immigration. To combat irregular migration, the government has also implemented border controls with Poland, Switzerland, and Czechia. The government faces difficulties in dealing with the surge of illegal migrants, many of whom arrive in eastern European countries before passing to Germany.

Over 21,360 persons entered Germany illegally in September, the biggest number since February 2016. Between January and September, 92,119 persons entered Germany illegally, prompting concerns about a higher number of attempted irregular entrances than in 2016. Deportations surged in the first half of this year compared to the same period last year, with 7,861 persons returning between January and June.

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