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Australia Ends Golden Visa Program, Now Concentrating on Skilled Workers

Australia has announced the discontinuation of the Significant Investor Visa (SIV), the contentious "golden visa" program, on worries about subpar economic results, corruption, and a dearth of qualified investors.

The initiative, which provided residency in exchange for a large financial investment, has drawn criticism for what was seen as its detrimental effects on the economy. Now, the emphasis is on finding talent for important industries.

The Significant Investor Visa (SIV) program was discontinued in Australia due to unsatisfactory economic results and worries about abuse by dishonest officials and money launderers. The initiative drew in investors with little experience in business, which led to the economy receiving meagre contributions. Chinese investors received 85% of SIVs, raising national security concerns and potentially distorting economic advantages. The decision aligns with a worldwide trend since many European nations—including the UK—have stopped offering residency-by-investment schemes like golden visas. The UK ended its residence program based on investment in 2022 because of worries about money laundering, especially from Russia. The administration wants to swap out the investment-based program with one that gives priority to people who are experts in important areas.

Many saw Australia's decision to end its "golden visa" program, which drew foreign investment and boosted the country's economy, as a move in the right direction toward a more open and merit-based immigration system. CEO of Transparency International Australia, Clancy Moore, applauded the action for fighting corruption and concealing money laundering. Australia has placed a strong emphasis on skilled labour because it understands how important it is to draw people who can advance the country's social and economic development. For other nations dealing with comparable issues, this could offer insightful information.

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