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Germany Plans to Hire Over 500,000 Nursing Professionals

Germany is forecasting a significant shortage of nursing staff due to an ageing population, with projections indicating a need for 280,000 to 690,000 more nurses by 2049.

The nursing force prediction from the German Federal Statistical Office shows a 33% growth from 1.62 million in 2019 to 2.15 million by 2049, underlining the necessity for foreign nurses to fill the gaps.

Two types of shortages are identified in the country's projection. Considering demographic shifts and upward tendencies in the nursing labour market from 2010, the "trend variant" It projects that the number of nurses in employment would rise to 1.74 million by 2034 and 1.87 million by 2049. Destatis, however, issues a warning, stating that the number of nursing personnel will fall short of projected needs by 90,000 by 2034 and 280,000 by 2049.

It is projected under the "status quo variant" that the number of nurses in Germany will decrease from 1.62 million in 2019 to 1.48 million by 2034 and 1.46 million by 2049. According to this scenario, 350,000 and 690,000 nurses will be needed by 2034 and 2034, respectively. With the Federal Employment Agency projecting a potential of 700 nursing personnel per year, Germany is concentrating on hiring more nurses from Latin America to meet these shortages. This prediction highlights the critical need for quick action to address the mounting shortages in the medical industry.

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