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Spain To Grant Residency Rights to Undocumented Migrants

The Spanish Parliament is making a move that would pave the way for illegal immigrants to live and work legally in the country.

According to Spain's Parliament, the new law would allow undocumented foreigners to work, reside pay taxes, use public services including healthcare and education, pay taxes, and make Social Security contributions in Spain.

The legislation  supported by 310 to 33 legislators will now move through the lower house for extensive discussion and revision following its final draft.

The program is intended to help over 470,000 foreign residents of Spain, with a focus on those working in the unofficial sector, who are frequently at risk of abuse and exploitation since they lack legal protection. According to the University of Valencia's Human Rights Institute, the bill would also help over 50,000 undocumented immigrants living in Valencia.

According to Silvana Cabera one of the promoters of the RegularizacionYA. "they are people exploited in the countryside or at home because they cannot access a work contract, they cannot open a bank account, they cannot report a crime for fear of being deported and many do not even use health care also for fear. It is a question of rights"  

The promoter claims that everything has collapsed and that appointment scheduling is difficult, according to Carbera, who contends that the lack of immigration offices weakens the discourse on lawful and orderly immigration.

"Furthermore, the immigration legislation itself tells you that if you arrive in Spain and want a work permit you must spend three years without papers, in the underground economy, and then apply for roots We do not understand that this is done with people who want to work and contribute."  Silvana Cabera stated.

According to a study by the Spanish National Statistics Institute, as of January 2024, 8.8 million people called Spain home, placing it among the top ten European nations with the largest immigrant populations.

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