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UAE Reduces Residency and Work Permit Visa to 5 Days

The United Arab Emirates, UAE has reduced the approval time for work permits and residency visas from 30 days to 5 days. Credit to the launch of the second phase of the Work Bundle platform, aiming to streamline hiring and renewal processes.

Government ministries developed Work Bundle, a centralised platform that reduces the steps required to obtain work permits and residency visas from 15 to 5, the number of documents needed from 16 to 5, and the number of visits to government offices from 7 to 2.

The Work Bundle provides a smooth user experience by enabling customers to use a UAE pass to log in, request one-time information, prevent in-person transactions, minimize the amount of documentation needed, offer preemptive services, and access labour statistics, dashboards, and reports.

The Work Bundle platform, introduced in April by Dubai, has effectively extended throughout all seven emirates, impacting over 600,000 firms and seven million workers. Unified employment document processing is ensured by this planned expansion.

The UAE's Work Bundle system has many advantages, such as facilitating quick hiring of employees and increasing competitiveness, which speed up corporate growth and draw in foreign companies looking to expand. Because it is easier to secure work visas and resident permits in the UAE, it is a more attractive career option for skilled individuals.

After a trial run in Dubai, Work Bundle is now available in all seven emirates, helping over 600,000 businesses and over seven million UAE workers both new and current who are looking to grow their workforces.

In order to further solidify its status as a pioneer in cutting-edge governance and business facilitation, the UAE shortened the processing time to five days. With quicker access to work and residency documents, this action not only increases the UAE's attractiveness as a business destination but also promotes workforce growth. Go to the official government website to learn more or to begin the application process.

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