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Affordable Countries For Nigerians To Study Abroad

 The number of Nigerians studying overseas continues to climb despite the rising cost. Nigerians are now choosing other places to study abroad due to restrictions that some host countries have placed for foreign students. This article lists overseas universities that provide affordable tuition to Nigerian students.  

Right now, public universities in Germany are offering free tuition. The only cost to students will be a small administrative fee of roughly #394,000. In Germany, living costs range from $860 to $970 per month (#1.4 million to #1.6 million). Germany is renowned for providing high-quality, research-based education, and students from Nigeria and India can take advantage of these opportunities. Germany's universities are popular places to take courses in IT, art, medicine, and technology.

Another option for Nigerians looking for high-quality instruction and training is New Delhi, India. Before deciding to study in New Delhi, students should consider the cost of living and study there, as well as conduct the necessary research. Malaysian institutions provide considerably reduced living expenses and tuition prices. An undergraduate course typically costs between $180 and $480 (or $296,00 to $790,565) each year in tuition, while living expenses range from $440 to $780 (or roughly $724,680-$1.3 million). In Malaysia, business management, engineering, information technology, medicine, and social sciences are the most often offered courses.

Australia and New Zealand are perfect destinations for students interested in IT and Finance. For a brief period following graduation, overseas graduates can work in Australia with a temporary graduate visa. Compared to Australia, New Zealand is less expensive. Students can apply for scholarships in both nations. Since Norway offers free education to all students, it is a great option for Nigerians looking to study in far-flung Europe. However, living expenses in Norway can reach as high as #18.4 million annually.

Nigerians who want to study abroad are aiming for the US and the UK. Contrary to popular belief, state universities in the United States offer affordable tuition. A master's program costs approximately $18,000–$65,000 (or $29.6–$107 million) per year, while a bachelor's degree costs between $15,000–$50,000 (or #24.7–#82.3 million) per year. This information was provided by Lakshmi Iyer, managing director of SI-Global India. Ivy League universities, however, could be twice as expensive as other universities. A master's degree in the UK would cost 700–1200 euros, or roughly $12.5 million. Other specialized courses, such as MBA programs, would cost roughly 15,000 euros–25,000 euros. 

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